Eulogy of Rev. Dr. Luke Sheu-Duen Poon

潘士端牧師 生平簡述

Written and prepared by Rev. John Poon | 筆述 - 潘正名牧師

With assistance by Rev. David Poon | 資料協助 - 潘士宏牧師

 Translation by Miss Ida Ho | 中文翻譯 - 何淑儀


After several months of declining health, Rev. Dr. Luke Sheu-Duen Poon passed away on May 18, 2021, in Englewood, New Jersey. Rev. Poon was born on June 6, 1938, in Guangdong, China to parents Wood Chuen Poon and Pui Wah Li along with eldest sister King Jun, an unnamed elder infant brother who passed away due to sickness, elder sisters Florence, Pauline, older brother Peter, and three younger brothers Paul, John, and David.

潘士端牧師 (Rev. Dr. Luke Sheu-Duen Poon) 在過去幾個月身體狀況漸漸衰弱,於 2021 年 5 月 18 日在新澤西州的恩格爾伍德市安息主懷。潘牧師於1938年6月6日出生在中國廣東。父母為潘活泉 (Wood Chuen Poon) 和李佩華 (Pui Wah Li),大姐姐為潘瓊真 (King Jun),二哥哥在出生不久後便因病離世,三姐姐及四姐姐為潘瓊芳 (Florence) 和潘瓊慧 (Pauline),五哥哥為潘士諤 (Peter),還有三個弟弟為潘士仁 (Paul)、潘士達 (John),和潘士宏 (David)。


Raised during the Second Sino-Japanese War and Communist Revolution in China, he received the saving grace of Christ in his youth and was discipled by missionary Ruth Hitchcock. This was a time of societal unrest, financial confusion, and family separation. Around 1949, he immigrated to Hong Kong where he would reunite with family. He was baptized by Dr. William Newbern on October 20, 1957, at the Cheung Chau Alliance Church. After high school and a life-changing event, Rev. Poon would forego medical school in Taiwan to obey God's call to full-time ministry by enrolling at the Alliance Bible Seminary. Upon graduation, he taught Bible classes at a Christian High school while serving as a deacon at the Hebron Alliance Church.


潘士端牧師是在第二次中日戰爭和中國解放戰爭期間成長,他在青年時期便接受了耶穌基督的救恩,並得到何義思宣教士(Ruth Hitchcock)的 門徒訓練。當時社會十分動盪,經濟混亂,很多家庭經歷支離破碎。 1949年,潘牧師移居到香港與家人團聚。1957年10月20日於長洲宣道會在劉福羣博士 (Dr. William Newbern) 主禮下接受水禮。其後經歷到神在他人生的改變。中學畢業後,選擇放棄台灣醫學院就讀的機會,順服神的呼召,就讀建道神學院,學成後,神安排他在一所基督教中學教授聖經課程,同時在宣道會希伯崙堂擔任執事,學習事奉。

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On August 24, 1963, he married Lisa Cheung, a schoolteacher. Heeding the counsel of his mentor, Rev. Paul Bartel, in winter of 1966 Rev. Poon would cross the Pacific and immigrate to Canada to begin the pioneering work of ministering and church planting amongst the growing diaspora of Chinese university students in North America and beyond.

1963年8月24日,潘士端牧師與張力子女士 (Lisa Cheung) 結為夫婦。張女士當時是一位小學教員,後來經過禱告接受包忠傑牧師(Rev. Paul Bartel) 的建議,潘牧師在1966 年的冬天,決定移民到加拿大,擔起當地牧養教會的工作。時適北美華裔大學生不斷增加,青年事工興旺。


Over a span of 55 years, Rev. Poon had the privilege of serving Regina Chinese Alliance Church, Calgary Chinese Alliance Church, San Francisco Chinese Alliance Church, Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church, Burnaby Alliance Church, San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church, Kowloon Tong Alliance Church, International Christian Quality Music Secondary & Primary School, Peninsula Alliance Church, and Honolulu Chinese Alliance Church. Rev. Poon was an ordained minister of the Christian & Missionary Alliance and served as a Board member of several organizations. He obtained an M.Div at Canadian Theological Seminary, pursued Th.M studies at Reformed Theological Seminary, and obtained a D.Min from International Theological Seminary. Regarded as one of the Chinese Alliance pioneers in North America, Rev. Poon spent his retirement years faithfully serving New York Chinese Alliance Church, Obarrio Alliance Church Panama, Kent Chinese Alliance Church, and New Life Chinese Church Fort Lee.




Rev. Poon loved Jesus, studying the Word of God, serving the local church, promoting missions and spending time with family. He was a spiritual mentor, a pastor of pastors, and a beloved brother in kingdom ministry. He enjoyed cooking, fixing things, and sharing fellowship with church members and friends. Rev. Poon was a loving husband, devoted father, affectionate grandfather, dear brother, and adoring uncle of many. His motto in life was "All for Jesus, Jesus Only!"




Rev. Poon is survived by his beloved wife Lisa; his children James (Risa), Christina (Lawrence), John (Carolyn); and his eight grandchildren Annaliese, Bethany, Joshua, Josiah, Jonathan, Joelle, Jacob, and Nathan. He is predeceased by his daughter Linda.

潘牧師如今身後的家人有:妻子潘張力子 Lisa長子潘正恩 James (媳婦潘佩芳 Risa) 、黃潘正言 Christina (女婿黃路仁 Lawrence)、潘正名 John (媳婦潘劉行知 Carolyn)及八個孫兒黃言樂 Annaliese、潘言美 Bethany、潘言暉  Joshua、潘言信 Josiah、黄言立 Jonathan、 黄言心 Joelle、潘言遵 Jacob,和潘言力 Nathan。女兒潘正安 Linda 已先於潘牧師離世。